Can Aranet Home or Pro C02 settings be set to lower alert levels?
Posted: 10.04.2022 21:36
Modified: 21.02.2025 00:06
My spouse's doctor recommended a C02 monitor and recommended that the levels in an enclosed room/building not exceed 800. Are the safe/warning levels pre-set or can they be set to a specified number like this?
Posted: 11.04.2022 08:15
Default Aranet4 CO2 threhhold levels are: Good- below 1000 ppm, Average - 1000 to 1400 ppm, Unhealthy - above 1400 ppm. But you can configure custom levels using Aranet4 app:
Posted: 11.04.2022 14:04
Thank you! Exactly what I needed to know. If we set Unhealthy to = above 800 ppm, what might be suggested settings for Good and Average? We did ask 'if 800 is okay and above 800 is not okay, then what number is ideal/preferred and really the only concern expressed was 'not above 800'. Now that we are actually buying the monitor and it has these 3 settings, what might be a reasonable custom level to set for Average and Good? I've read that 300-400 ppm is normal for outdoors and while that sounds great, it doesn't seem reasonable to set the monitor to that low for indoor monitoring. Just looking for suggestions here, lol, not medical advice (the medical advice was just 'not more than 800' for hubby's situation).
Posted: 11.04.2022 14:27
Currently, the outdoor CO2 average level is considered to be 420 ppm. So, you could configure 500 for Good and 650 for Average.
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