What to do first if Aranet PRO base station is not accessible via graphical user interface or connection to the Cloud is lost?
Posted: 31.01.2021 17:38
Modified: 13.03.2025 18:03
To recover the operation of the Aranet PRO base station please first try:
1. disconnect the power cord and Ethernet cable (if connected) from the Aranet PRO base station;
2. do a physical base restart with the small jumper switch next to the AC power port on the Aranet PRO base station body. Change the position of jumper switch to left, wait till 12V green led turns dark, then change the position of the switch back to the right and 12V green indication should return:
3. if the problem persists try resetting network settings for the Aranet PRO base again physically with some thin and long object pressing and holding for at least 5 seconds reset button on PRO base body. When reset is happening, then LEDs of the Aranet PRO base station should flash:
If reset has succeeded, then the WiFi access point with the name “Aranet-******” (created by the base station) should be visible on all devices that can be connected to WiFi (phones, tablets, laptops, etc.)
4.Even if after the physical restart and reset of network settings, the WiFI access point created by PRO base is not visible on any WiFi-capable devices, then most probably there is some hardware fault in the device and it should be returned for repairs filling RMA form: https://rma.aranet.com/
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