Aranet Cloud Workspace deletion
Posted: 13.09.2022 13:12
Modified: 14.03.2025 07:00
Aranet Cloud workspace deletion can be initiated either by the User or by Aranet Cloud.
To initiate workspace deletion user must have Workspace Write permission:
Navigate to WORSKPACE menu CONFIG tab and click on the "pencil' icon to edit the workspace:
Locate DELETE WORKSPACE button at the bottom of the window and click on it:
A warning message requiring approval with User's password will appear:
After approval:
- workspace becomes unavailable for login and existing login sessions expire
- all the administrators (users with role Administrator) (including the user who initiated the process) will receive an informative message in e-mail, that workspace will be deleted within 5 days. The message will contain also a link, that allows canceling this process
if no cancellation is done within 5 days, the workspace is deleted.
Workspace will be deleted immediately if:
- workspace has status Waiting (the workspace has never had a license and any Pro Bases were registered)
- workspace has a Trial AND no bases are registered and the owner is the only user of this workspace
- workspace has Expired status AND no bases are registered and the owner is the only user of this workspace
Aranet Cloud initiates workspace deletion if:
- workspace is in Waiting status longer than 90 days;
- workspace is in Expired status longer than 180 days;
When Cloud initiates deletion process for the workspace with Expired status:
- workspace becomes unavailable for login and existing login sessions expires
- all the administrators (users with role Administrator) receive informative message in e-mail, that workspace will be deleted within 5 days. The message shall contain also link, that allows canceling this process.
if no cancellation is done within 5 days, the workspace is deleted.
If the delete process is canceled, the time countdown is started again, meaning, that if the status has not changed after 90 or 180 days, the process will start again.
Workspace with Waiting status is deleted immediately (without sending an e-mail) when 90-days countdown has passed.
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