How to update base firmware from cloud?
Posted: 29.08.2023 08:34
Modified: 27.02.2025 15:12
To update you base station form Cloud you first have to have:
- Base station firmware 4.0.0 or newer
- Cloud 2.0 or newer
- Base station connected to the Cloud
- User with a write premission to base station management
If al of those are true and you go to "My base stations" under the "Settings" menu, then your screen should look something like this:
A yellow exclamation mark will be visible if a new firmware version is available and under management there is a new button with a cog in it. To start the update, click on the cog and a new screen will pop out asking for your password:
After entering the password once, you will be able to update multiple stations without entering it again, atleast, until you refresh the page. After clicking on the upgrade button the base station and Cloud will start to establish a caonnection:
This connection establishing can take up to 2 minutes, and the update itself can take up to 15 minutes, so be patient. After a connection has been established the base will start updating and rebooting and you will lose connection to the base.
After a succesful upgrade a green checkmark will show up and the firmware version will be changed to the newest one. If the upgrade fails, then a red checkmark nest to the firmware number and an "Upgrade has failed" will show up.
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