Aranet4 CO2 reading seems inaccurate vs Airthings Wave+?
Posted: 05.03.2023 21:44
Modified: 16.02.2025 04:41
We bought the Aranet4 and subsequently an Airthings Wave+ because the Aranet4 readings always seem higher than we expect in the house
. Both use NDIR sensors for CO2 but temperature and humidity are the only 2 measurements that match. CO2 is vastly different, with Aranet4 always reading higher than Airthings. As a test we placed them side by side in the basement for over 24 hrs and here are the readings: Aranet4: 800; Airthings: 631. As another test, first floor room with window ajar, hepa filter running, Aranet4: 960 Airthings: 590 (don't have photos of this one).
Airthings auto-calibrated over a week after we set it up. We manually calibrated the Aranet4 when we first got it by leaving it outside for calibration.
It would seem to me that Airthings is more accurate based on room conditions but I have no idea which one is correct.
Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
*EDIT* I can't figure out how to attach images
Posted: 06.03.2023 08:30
Dear crustydragon,
How long did you use both of the sensors side-by-side? Based on Airthing tech specs it requires 7 days to adapt:
Settling time:
CO2 ~ 7 days
Please be aware that HEPA filters do not reduce CO2 levels indoors.
Did you try to place both Aranet4 and Airthings device outside, exposing them to fresh air? If so, what CO2 levels do both devices show?
You mentioned the Airthings auto-calibrates over a week, I couldn't find in the specifications of the device but is there an option for manual calibration of it? Aranet4 is calibrated from factory and it is suggested to calibrate after a year (or before, if used in dusty environments).
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