Aranet4 exposed to freezing temperatures outside
Posted: 27.01.2024 05:36
Modified: 16.02.2025 03:32
I ordered my Aranet4 online. The package containing it was left by the delivery person on my porch for 9 hours in freezing temperatures, ranging from -4C to -2C (25F to 28F), and humidity levels between 85% and 100%. (As per weather reports. The device had not been turned on, of course.) It also snowed, though not on the package since the porch offered some level of protection.
Is this exposure to the outside likely to have damaged the device or to affect the accuracy of the readings it gives?
I have not removed the device from its packaging, as I am considering whether it would be advisable to return it.Thank you in advance.
Posted: 29.01.2024 08:16
The device should be fine as it was powered off. Just make sure to dry the device before putting in the batteries in case any moisture is left inside.
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