Export inconsistent in time and with graph
Posted: 06.09.2021 10:04
Modified: 08.03.2025 11:52
Looking at the graph and inspecting successive points, I see every measurement repeated 2 minutes later and then a new measurement 8 minutes later. After exporting the data, the same measured values are shown without repeats at 10-minute intervals (displaced by a few seconds compared to the graph). Can you please explain?
I have tried to change the interval but get the message: ""Failed to change measurement interval". Do I have a defective device? Or what can I do to change to make it work?
Now the next day, I downloaded the data again and it looks like the same list of measured values is stretched with intervals of 10 minutes between them. So they correspond to very different times than before! What is happening?
I'm on firmware 0.4.3.
For example just two measurements, but the list of values continues like shown:
read from graph in app (every value twice)
03/09/2021 15:59 628
03/09/2021 16:02 628
03/09/2021 16:09 641
03/09/2021 16:12 641
first download (picks up only each second one)
03/09/2021 16:02:26 628
03/09/2021 16:12:26 641
download next day (moved backwards 20 seconds)
03/09/2021 16:02:06 628
03/09/2021 16:12:06 641
download two days later (moved forward 5 hours!)
03/09/2021 21:19:31 628
03/09/2021 21:29:31 628
03/09/2021 21:39:31 641
03/09/2021 21:49:31 641
read from graph that day (now no duplicates anymore)
03/09/2021 15:59 628
03/09/2021 16:09 641aranet-techsupport
Posted: 06.09.2021 10:25
The matter is that Aranet4 sensor does not have an internal clock, there is only a timer. Measurements time is calculated from your phone time during the export process. Some synchronization errors may occur. Please also make sure that you are using the latest Aranet4 app version - v.2.0.6.
P.S. With your permission, your post to the head topic menu is deleted.
Posted: 06.09.2021 10:50
I forgot to mention that in an export on 6 September, that latest measurement is shown for 8 September. Not just unsynchronised, but also dilated.
The graph in the app seems not to suffer a timeshift. So it should be possible to create a more reliable export.
Posted: 06.09.2021 11:38
Please, try to reinstall the app and pair the sensor again. Please note, if you remove the batteries from Aranet4, historical data will be deleted.
Posted: 06.09.2021 12:00
That worked but should not be necessary. Same rows are now:
After re-install and re-pair (now picks up 3 minutes earlier, consistent with graph)
03/09/2021 15:59:11 628
03/09/2021 16:09:11 641I hope you guys can figure out how to do this correctly every time.
Posted: 06.09.2021 12:20
Thank you for reporting. Information is passed to developers.
Posted: 19.09.2021 10:17
I think too there's something odd in the values shown when I export the data.
The measurements shows an interval of 2 minutes when in fact the measurement interval was set to 1 minute most of the time, and 10 minutes at night.
Moreover the CO2 concentrations appear to be exactly the same each 5-6 recordings in a row.
Posted: 20.09.2021 01:08
I think too there's something odd in the values shown when I export the data.
The measurements shows an interval of 2 minutes when in fact the measurement interval was set to 1 minute most of the time, and 10 minutes at night.
Moreover the CO2 concentrations appear to be exactly the same each 5-6 recordings in a row.
Posted: 20.09.2021 09:43
The most probable reason behind this is the time interval change which is making a shift in data. Thank you for reporting, our developers are working on this already.
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