Incorrect CO2 Reading
Posted: 24.10.2021 00:29
Modified: 09.03.2025 11:05
I recently bought an Aranet4 HOME Indoor Air Quality Monitor. I am finding it slow to respond to changing CO2 in a room. In direct comparison to IAQ MAX CO2 Monitor the Aranet4 takes a while to catch up to the reading of the room. I do have Aranet4 is set up to take reading every 1 min. After an hour in the room the Aranet4 reading can be off as much as 100 ppm. Typically the CO2 reading is higher in Aranet4.
I do own a third CO2 meter which gives value close to IAQ Max. Which makes me think Aranet4 is providing the incorrect reading because of the 3 it is the one that is off by 100 ppm. While the other 2 are typically 10-15 ppm of each other. I have manually calibrated the Aranet4. How would I know if the Aranet4 is providing accurate reading. Outside both devices provide similar reading. Varying by 7 ppm. But the minute I bring it inside the Aranet 4 reading seems to be off.
Posted: 06.11.2021 18:57
I tested the IAQ Max and I can confirm that it does NOT compensate for elevation, nor does any other consumer grade CO2 monitor I'm aware of. I don't know what your 3rd CO2 monitor is, but the results you describe are not at all suprising. NDIR sensors will underreport CO2 concentrations at elevations other than seal level (see this discussion). What's is your elevation?
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