iOS Widget?
Posted: 12.05.2023 12:47
Modified: 16.02.2025 03:31
Are there plans for an iOS widget?
I use the Aranet device daily, mostly to decide if I need to mask up or not. The only annoyance is the lack of an iOS widget. I often measure the CO2 levels secretly and have to unlock my phone every time I want to know the levels. A widget that you could place on the lock screen would be so much more convenient!
Posted: 15.05.2023 12:09
Hello, Bluemoon!
Thanks for the message. Your recommendation on Aranet4 improvement has been noted for future product development.
Posted: 19.09.2023 13:21
Thumbs up for this request. A widget that displays the latest reading from the device. And also being able to set an alert threshold in the Aranet Home app so that a push message arrives if the CO2 level passes a threshold.
Not much visible improvement has happened with both the app and hardware. Please don't let the Aranet become abandonware, it's too important for that.
Posted: 19.09.2023 14:18
Thank you for suggestion.
Push notification feature request has already been added to the roadmap:
Posted: 19.09.2023 14:54
Understood. Having it on the roadmap is great. What is the timeframe you're working towards for general release?
Posted: 19.09.2023 16:32
The feature request is being evaluated and the timeframe will depend on various factors, including interest, feasibility, urgency, added value, etc.
Posted: 05.10.2023 08:31
Please can I register my interest in the widget and push notification features for iOS. I think the widget in particular would be an excellent idea. Shortcut integration too would be handy please but my highest priority request would be the widget.
Many thanks, Alec
Posted: 16.04.2024 13:02
Hi! It's such a pity that there is still no widget.
Posted: 16.04.2024 21:34
Very much agree.
Posted: 03.09.2024 20:04
Modified: 03.09.2024 20:05
Thank you for adding an iOS widget!
Unfortunately it renders with no data on my iPhone8+ running iOS 16.7.10. The add widget flow shows what it should look like. But once installed it just shows a skeleton style layout with grey blocks where the data should be.
Is this a known issue? I'm hardware blocked from updating iOS beyond v16
Posted: 04.09.2024 08:55
Would you mind sending a screenshot with the description of your problem to please.bimbam
Posted: 05.09.2024 13:16
>> I often measure the CO2 levels secretly
I wonder how you get reliable CO2 values, when you do secret measurements (in your pocket oder briefcase).
Posted: 23.01.2025 22:15
Modified: 23.01.2025 22:15
>> I often measure the CO2 levels secretly and have to unlock my phone every time I want to know the levels.
Well, that is exactly what I've been doing for years with my Aranet as a zero COVIDer, leading to potentially awkward situations several times. I was tired of these situations, so I thought, why not have the widget on the lockscreen or my Apple Watch? Also, no more rustling around trying to check the Aranet discreetly.
Built this for myself first, then found out others wanted the same thing. So I made it into a proper app (of course I contacted Aranet, they are okay with this release):
- Apple Watch Integration: Instantly check CO2 levels right from your wrist + 2 different types of complications.
- Lock Screen Widget: Quick access to readings without unlocking your iPhone, with 2 different types of complications.
- Customizable alerts when levels get too high.On the App Store:
Posted: 24.01.2025 09:42
@virus_evader Wow so cool, this is what I had in mind when I first asked the question here. Thanks for developing this :) Would you mind if I shared your app on Bluesky?
Posted: 26.01.2025 00:43
Thank you! Considering the restrictions of iOS, I did my best to have something as useful as possible. Please let me know if you find any bugs; sharing is of course welcomed!
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