nothing is on the screen
Posted: 27.05.2024 11:46
Modified: 16.02.2025 00:18
Battery was flat nothing is on the screen.
I downloaded the app on my iPhone and it is recognized by the app. I cannot connect because the screen shows nothing.
Posted: 27.05.2024 11:53
Have you put in fresh batteries in the device?
First leave the device without batteries for ~1 minute, and then add new batteries. Wait for ~30 seconds for the screen to refresh.lupus
Posted: 27.05.2024 12:05
nothing is happening.
To pair the device, is there a special code when the screen is blank
Posted: 27.05.2024 13:00
Yes, there is a special code.
Could you please write an e-mail to with a picture of the Aranet4 screen and describe the problem you are having.lupus
Posted: 27.05.2024 13:06
Ok thanks
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