Some data received by app is duplicated/overwritten
Posted: 04.10.2024 06:38
Modified: 07.02.2025 15:14
I now have 4 Aranet4 sensors tracking a few different sources (CO2 sequestration/emission by leaves, soils, and levels indoors), and these sensors are paired with two different iPhones.
An issue became apparent tonight, wherein the data for the same sensor was appearing differently between the two iPhones. Upon further examination, it was apparent that the app occasionally receives a duplicate of later data, which then overwrites some number of minutes earlier on. For example, you might get ABC-GHI-GHI instead of ABC-DEF-GHI.
Here are two examples:
1) 10/3/2024 at 11:00 am is 306 on one iPhone and 460 on the other.
2) Upon looking very closely, you can see that the two slopes surrounding the vertical break are actually the same slope, translated over.
Posted: 04.10.2024 08:05
Did you by any chance change the measurment interval any time between the duplicate measurment and the time you made the screenshots?leafsoil
Posted: 04.10.2024 09:21
Thanks for the reply! No, the measurement intervals have not been changed since approximately 30 minutes after first powering up the devices (over a week ago).
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