Speed up recognition?
Posted: 10.11.2021 11:28
Modified: 15.02.2025 18:40
We have severall Aranet4 devices, spread through the building. Each day, an employee passes by all Aranet devices with an android device, to collect their data by Bluetooth and send it by mail to our internal prevention advisor.
At this moment this is verry time consuming, because it sometimes takes up to 5 minutes before the Aranet app recongnizes the Aranet4 device. We have 8 devices to check, so it can take up to 40 minutes to check them all, while this could be done in 10 minutes.
Is there a way to speed up the recognition of the Aranet4 device in the app? Things we already tried where to restart the app and to turn of and on the Bluetooth on the Android device.
Posted: 10.11.2021 11:51
You can configure Aranet4 Bluetooth range to "Extended":
This will rise Bluetooth transmitter power and can speed up communication. Anyway, if you have all sensors paired to one mobile device it takes time for the app to try to connect to all sensors.
Posted: 10.11.2021 11:52
Thanks a lot, we will try it ;-)
Posted: 11.11.2021 15:03
Are you familiar with Aranet Pro and Aranet Cloud advantages? Pairing sensors (Aranet4 Pro version) to Aranet Pro base and registering it in Aranet Cloud will give you automated data collection for centralized monitoring, analysis, and sharing.
Posted: 15.11.2021 10:28
I was aware of that ... since a few days. The search for CO2 loggers was done bij our internal prevention advisor, so I wasn't involved in that and I don't know why he has chosen for the normal Aranet4 logger, instead of the Pro version.
Is there a way to convert the existing loggers into a Pro version, or is it a different hardware configuration? The reason why I ask this, is because at the moment we have a lot of those Aranet4 loggers (+30), so a possible switch will depend for a great part wheter we can reuse those or not.
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