Very high co2 readings on first day
Posted: 07.01.2023 14:48
Modified: 15.02.2025 22:17
I just bought Aranet4 home.
It is measuring relative humidity 10% lower than it should.
I get very high ppm readings:
1787 downstairs
2500 upstairs
850 when I put the aranet4 inside my air exchanger duck blowing fresh outside air on it.
Maybe a manual calibration is required even if its first day of use...
It is winter here and temperatures are very low outside. Is it good calibration if I place unit inside air exchanger duck while it blows fresh air from outside?
Dows the calibration will help getting better humidity readings?
Posted: 09.01.2023 09:29
Hi co2man!
For Relative Humidity device needs to be measuring for 50 minutes without moving to adjust and give readings as accurate as possible. Calibration does not affect humidity readings,
About the ppm when measuring CO2, it can be the case that factors surroinding the device affect and gives high readings (being close, having animals around, plants, perhaps also a kitchen using gas, etc). It takes around 8 minutes since "Moved" to a new location to measure correctly,
If you still have doubts, you can perform a manual calibration. Try having it close to an open window and be sure to have readigns of 420ppm. Be careful for cold temperatures as humidity might condensate inside the device and therefore damage de Aranet4.
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