What is different in rev.14 hardware from rev.12 hardware.
Posted: 05.10.2023 08:15
Modified: 16.02.2025 05:30
I have the option of getting both versions at my local retailer.
I saw that rev.12 has access to the latest 1.3.5 firmware with one touch updating. rev.14 is still stuck on the 1.2.1 firmware.
What are the hardware improvements in rev.14?
Posted: 05.10.2023 11:35
Modified: 18.10.2023 08:31
The rev14 has slightly different hardware components to overcome semiconductor shortages all of the IT industry faced in 2022, both revisions rev12 and rev14 have the same measurement quality and battery performance.
And the Instant measurment feature is being worked on for rev14 devices, which will be released with a future update to all devices.
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