What would be the first thing to do if Aranet4 device shows CO2 levels well above 500 ppm in fresh air outdoor environment?
Posted: 28.01.2021 01:53
Modified: 09.03.2025 03:02
Please try recalibrating the device as shown in the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CD8E6WzpvjM except put the sensor in a full outdoor environment during the calibration process for 15 minutes without any person in close proximity.
Posted: 21.02.2021 04:19
Is it ok to attempt a calibration outdoors when the temperature is in the 0 C to 10 C range?
I see in the User manual that it says operation < 10 C may result in a shift of sensor reading with slow recovery time.
Posted: 21.02.2021 11:26
As the Aranet4 device has reduced measurement accuracy in the temperature range 0...+10 °C, then it is recommended to calibrate it in the temperature range +15 … +35 °C.
Posted: 21.02.2021 16:30
Ok that is very good to know becuase for 7 months of the year our outdoor temperatures are < 15 C so calibrating outdoors will not be possible. We will look for a temperature-controlled indoor facility with a large fresh air draw and no humans about.
Posted: 21.02.2021 19:36
If possible then the most accurate calibration will be performed if the Aranet4 device can be placed in a closed environment filled with 420 ppm CO2 concentration level reference gas during the calibration process.
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