What would be the first things to try if Aranet4 device is not pairing to Aranet4 application on mobile device?
Posted: 10.04.2021 14:15
Modified: 08.02.2025 06:10
Please first try:
- Take out batteries of the Aranet4 device;
- Set jumper switch in the battery compartment for Bluetooth service in OFF (down) position, then back to ON (Up) position;
- Put batteries in the correct polarization again inside the Aranet4 (both batteries in the same direction with + pole on the left side);
- Uninstall the Aranet4 app completely and delete/forget the paired Aranet4 device from Bluetooth connected devices on the mobile device;
- Restart the mobile device;
- Install again the application and pair the Aranet4 to the mobile device not via the Bluetooth devices menu, but only via the Aranet4 application.
Posted: 08.07.2021 19:40
Hi, I have seen that I can pair the device, but if I get disconneted, I need to remove the device and start pairing again.. Sometimes I need to reset my IPhone too! Is that OK or I am missing sth? Thanks!
Posted: 08.07.2021 19:40
Hi, I have seen that I can pair the device, but if I get disconneted, I need to remove the device and start pairing again.. Sometimes I need to reset my IPhone too! Is that OK or I am missing sth? Thanks!
Posted: 09.07.2021 08:44
Please check the firmware version of your Aranet4 and upgrade if needed according to instructions in adjacent topic: https://forum.aranet.com/all-about-aranet4/how-can-i-update-aranet4-device-firmware/
If this does not help, please contact support@aranet.com.
Posted: 06.01.2022 15:00
I can't remove the app because one sensor can't connect, I have over 10 devices registered... Things like this need to be fixed on your side
Posted: 06.01.2022 15:12
Hi tiho,
Max number of sensors that can be paired to one Aranet4 app is 20. Consider pairing the sensor to another mobile device.
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