Initial Reading
Posted: 06.12.2022 21:34
Modified: 06.03.2025 20:17
At setup I moved the calibration setting from manual (default setting) up to auto. Im in a small room in my house with a window open getting a 1300 reading. Should I not have made that adjustment? Feel like that seems very high.
Posted: 07.12.2022 09:13
Hi Timl3!
It will be better if you keep the switch on the MANUAL option, but this will not affect the readings right away as you are describing. About getting 1300ppm around, make sure the room is well ventilated; if you have doubts on the readings, you can always perform a manual calibration, here are the steps on how to do it: Calibrate
Posted: 21.02.2023 22:05
This is hilarious. Put in the batteries and got a reading of about 2900 ppm. Took out the batteries, put them back in, got a reading of about 1400. Took out the batteries again, put them back, got a reading of 663. At this rate, I should be able to get the CO2 level down to zero by putting the batteries in and out a few more times. Also the temperature reading is off by 5 degrees Celsius. All of this does not inspire confidence. Nor does reading about the firmware bugs and the need to manually calibrate the unit, which looks to be a pain in the butt. Luckily, if the first reading of 2900 ppm is correct, we'll be dead shortly and won't have to worry about it!
Posted: 22.02.2023 09:35
Modified: 23.02.2023 15:16
Hi markleier!
When you are placing the batteries and having those readings, you are being too close to the device and therefore affecting the reading. Please let the device be still in a place where it is not affected by your breathing or other CO2 source there might be for at least 8 minutes (regardless of the interval of time you have set) and you will observe accurate readings. Temperature will take around 50 minutes to adjust to the surroundings before giving a more accurate reading. About the Firmware, we are continously improving the device and therefore we release new versions for it. And about the Manual Calibration, the device is calibrated by factory but there are times the readings seem off so we advise a Manual Calibration, which is quiet fast when you are using the Aranet4 app. If either way you are having high readings of CO2, I invite you to follow our recommendations on our other page in the forum
Posted: 06.08.2023 20:03
Modified: 06.08.2023 20:06
I just recieved my aranet 4 and the screen reads 76.7F 61 (humidity), 745 (Co2 level) , Battery (nearly full charge), A (on), 1st of Adjustable Thresholds is black.
This is what I see on my screen no matter if the batteries are in the unit or not. I am not able to see the device on Blue Tooth on my phones or computer nor am I able to pair it with the app.
I think my unit is defective, but maybe there is a way to turn off the screen or reset it. (Even removing 1 or both batteries, makes no difference to what shows on the screen).
Can you offer advice?
(internal settings: manual, C, Bluetooth on)
Posted: 07.08.2023 10:48
Modified: 03.01.2024 13:59
Hello roppen!
Can you try removing both batteries for15 minutes and see if that fixes the problem?
If that doesn't work the I would suggest RMA
Posted: 08.08.2023 03:28
I tried removing both batteries and left it for an entire day. Nothing has changed. I will try to do an RMA.
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